The related content module allows for multiple video items to play, one after another, with no delay in between. This approach is ideal for content that should be viewed in a particular order, such as episodes in a TV show. Ten seconds before the completion of a video item, an "up next" panel in the bottom left corner of the player will show, clearly identifying the next video item to be played.
Viewers can either use a next button in the control bar to skip the current video item or use the related module in the top-right corner to display an overlay element which will present the wall of related video items. See above for an example.
Video ads can be played each time a new video item is loaded within the player. The related UI is fully compatible with mobile devices. A built-in error-recovery mechanism is also provided to skip related items that may be unavailable.
The related module is compatible with most player features including HLS & DASH streaming, analytics and a dedicated related API exists to programmatically control the related layout. With Radiant Media Player 4.5.9+ the related module is fully compatible with Google Cast and AirPlay allowing for a top-nocth second-screen viewing experience of multiple media items.
The related player can be initialised by passing through the relatedLoc
setting a URI to a
JSON file holding related data. Here
is a full
of well-formatted JSON file for related data.
The general structure is as follows. The required fields for each related item are:
: streaming source for the related itemcontentMetadata
{ "title": "Related Item 1", "description": "Description for related item 1", "id": "1111111111", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "09:56", "poster": [ "" ] }
: poster frame for the related item - size
should be equal to the
initial player size (832x468 for the example above)title
: title for the related itemdescription
: description for the playlist item -
while this
is not displayed within the related UI it is useful for accessibility and
: duration for the related item - expressed
as hh:mm:ssthumbnail
(highly recommended): thumbnail frame for
the related item
(size should
be 332x186) - if thumbnail information is not found poster data will be usedOptional fields for each related item are:
: URI to the adTag to be loaded when the
related item
starts - if you use ads you must also set the player setting ads
to true
- an array of URI to be used fro
client-side waterfalling
see here for more
: URI to a new related JSON specific to
current related itemseekBarThumbnailsLoc
- VTT file URI to be loaded
with each related item
enable preview thumbnail supportccFiles
- WebVTT closed captions files -
see documentation
- WebVTT chapters files -
see documentation
and sharingCode
(provided sharing: true setting is set - this will
let you define individual sharing URL and code for each playlist item) - see sharing documentation
and logoLoc
- see logo
documentation All items within
the related playlist must have the same src
type (e.g.
if you use HLS -
each related item must have a HLS URI in its src
if you use MP4 progressive download - each related item must have a MP4 URI in its
The related content layout was designed to display 16:9 content. Video content, poster, thumbnail and player size should be at a 16:9 ratio for best results. Other ratio may work but you may need to adjust player CSS to best fit your custom ratio.
{ "playlist": [ { "src": { "hls": "https://your-hls-url-1.m3u8" }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 1", "description": "Description for related item 1", "id": "1111111111", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "01:51", "poster": [ "" ] }, "adTagUrl": "", "related": "" }, { "src": { "hls": "https://your-hls-url-2.m3u8" }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 2", "description": "Description for related item 2", "id": "2222222222", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "10:53", "poster": [ "" ] }, "adTagUrl": "", "related": "" }, { "src": { "hls": "https://your-hls-url-3.m3u8" }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 3", "description": "Description for related item 3", "id": "3333333333", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "09:56", "poster": [ "" ] }, "adTagUrl": "", "related": "" } ] }
If you are using MP4 progressive download instead of HLS, each item in the related list would look like the following. Remember that all items in the related list must have the same streaming protocol.
{ "src": { "mp4": [ "https://your-mp4-url-1.mp4" ] }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 1", "description": "Description for related item 1", "id": "1111111111", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "01:51", "poster": [ "" ] }, "adTagUrl": "", "related": "" }
You can also use a combination of streaming protocols, like DASH + MP4 fallback. In this case all items in the related list must have the same combination of streaming protocols.
{ "src": { "dash": "https://your-dash-url-1.mpd", "mp4": [ "https://your-mp4-url-1.mp4" ] }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 1", "description": "Description for related item 1", "id": "1111111111", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "01:51", "poster": [ "" ] }, "adTagUrl": "", "related": "" }
Client-side ad waterfalling with related items:
{ "src": { "hls": "https://your-hls-url-1.m3u8" }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 1", "description": "Description for related item 1", "id": "1111111111", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "01:51", "poster": [ "" ] }, "adTagUrl": "", "adTagWaterfall": [ "", "" ], "related": "" }
WebVTT closed captions through the ccFiles setting:
{ "src": { "hls": "https://your-hls-url-1.m3u8" }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 1", "description": "Description for related item 1", "id": "1111111111", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "01:51", "poster": [ "" ] "ccFiles": [ [ "en", "English", "" ], [ "fr", "Français", "" ] ] }
The below code is used to display the example at top of this page:
<script src=""></script> <div id="rmp"></div> <script> const settings = { licenseKey: 'your-license-key', width: 832, height: 468, // if you want ads to show uncomment this next setting (ad data for each playlist item can be passed in JSON file) // ads: true, // our related settings relatedUpNextOffset: 10, relatedUpNextAutoplay: true, relatedEndedLoop: false, relatedLoc: '' }; const rmp = new RadiantMP('rmp'); rmp.init(settings); </script>
Alternatively to passing related data as a JSON file you can pass those data through the
setting as an array of objects. Each item
of the array
is an object representing a related item. The structure of this object follows the same
pattern as the one described in the JSON file section above. Example:
const relatedData = [{ src: { hls: "https://your-hls-url-1.m3u8" }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 1", "description": "Description for related item 1", "id": "1111111111", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "01:51", "poster": [ "" ] }, related: "" }, { src: { hls: "https://your-hls-url-2.m3u8" }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 2", "description": "Description for related item 2", "id": "2222222222", "thumbnail": "", "duration": "10:53", "poster": [ "" ] }, related: "" }]; ... const settings = { licenseKey: 'your-license-key', width: 832, height: 468, relatedUpNextOffset: 10, relatedUpNextAutoplay: true, relatedEndedLoop: false, relatedData: relatedData };
relatedLoc: String
This set the path to the JSON file that hold information about the related content to display within the player. It can either be a fully qualified URL or a local/absolute path. Note that the related JSON file is loaded with XMLHttpRequest and thus it must be delivered with proper CORS setting for cross-site requests.
relatedUpNextOffset: Number
The time to end of content (in seconds) before the "up next" panel
is shown to the viewer. Default: 10
relatedUpNextAutoplay: Boolean
By default when a video item ends in the related list the next
item is automatically played. Default: true
. Setting this
setting to false will cause
the related engine to display the wall of related video item when the current video item
(e.g. it will not autoplay next item).
relatedEndedLoop: Boolean
By default when the last item of a related list ends the player
stops and does not jump to the next available item. When relatedEndedLoop
to true and the last item of the related list ends the player will automatically start
loading and displaying the next available item (e.g. playlist loop).
Default: false
. When relatedEndedLoop
is set to true
must also be set to true to have
relatedCallback: Function
This setting allows for a custom callback (Promise) to be run during the related item loading mechanism after a new related item has been requested (including the first item) but before it actually starts loading related data for that item. The related item loading process will only resume when the Promise from the custom callback resolves or rejects. This allows for use-cases that require the related item loading process to pause, like header bidding for video ads, to be handled in a related scenario. Default: null. Usage example:
const adTags = [ '', '', '', '' ]; let adIndex = 0; const relatedCallback = () => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // run something async setTimeout(() => { if (adIndex === 4) { adIndex = 0; } rmp.loadAds(adTags[adIndex]); adIndex++; resolve(); }, 1000); }); }; const settings = { licenseKey: 'your-license-key', width: 640, height: 360, ads: true, // pass async playlist callback relatedCallback: relatedCallback, relatedLoc: '' }; const rmp = new RadiantMP('rmp'); rmp.init(settings);
Fires when a new related item has successfully loaded
Fires when a new complete related has successfully loaded
Fires when a related list has reached its end
Fires when a new playlist item has failed to load
This method returns Boolean
stating if the player is used
with a related
This getter returns Number
representing the index of the
current related
being displayed. Index starts at 0.
This getter returns an Object
representing the related
item at
index index
. If no index
value input is provided, then the
current related item is returned. Example:
{ adTagUrl: "", src: { hls : "https://your-hls-url.m3u8" }, "contentMetadata": { "title": "Related Item 1", "description": "Description for related item 1", "id": "1111111111", "thumbnail": "", "contentDuration": "01:51", "poster": [ "" ] } }
setRelatedItem(index) asynchronous
This method sets the current related item being displayed.
input parameter should be a number representing the
related item to be displayed. srcchanged
event will fire when this method has completed (see setSrc
API docs
for more information).
This method returns an ordered Array of Object where each Object represents a related item.
setRelatedData(relatedLoc|relatedData) asynchronous
This method allows to dynamically update the related player with a new set of data. You
can either pass
a URI to new JSON file (see relatedLoc
setting) or a
new array of object (see
setting). srcchanged
event will fire when this method has completed (see setSrc
API docs
for more information).
This method sets dynamically the relatedCallback
setting. This setting allows for a custom
callback (Promise-based) to be run during the related item changing mechanism after a new related item has
been requested (including the first item) but before it actually starts loading related data for that item.
The related item loading process will only resume when the Promise from the custom callback resolves or
rejects. This allows for use-cases that requires the related item loading process to pause, like header
bidding for video ads, to be handled.
This method resets the relatedCallback
setting to
therefore allowing
the related loading process to run without interruption.
You can use 360 video content with our playlist layout but all items within the playlist have to be 360 video
Each time a new item starts in the related layout, a player start is counted (PLATFORM Edition).
Each time a new item starts in the related layout, a playerstart event is sent to Google Analytics, but it will use as label the contentTitle of the new item. This allows to identify when a specific related item is started. Other events, like adimpression or enterfullscreen, will also be sent to Google Analytics when a new media item starts in the related layout, but with the updated label as well.
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