
Android TV apps with Cordova

Scope of support

You can use Radiant Media Player to build media-oriented web-based Android TV applications through Cordova. The player is equipped with various optimisations, notably file:// protocol support, to work in the following environments:

  • Web applications for Android TV built with Cordova and Android Studio
  • Targeting deployment on Android TV 9+ with Android Cordova 12+

To get general information on Android TV apps follow that guide.

To get directly to the code part with our demo app on GitHub go here.

Using Radiant Media Player in an Android TV applictation is only available for PLATFORM edition customers as FILE protocol support is required.

Supported features

Most player features available for the web are generally available with Radiant Media Player for Android TV applications built with Cordova. Below is a non-exhaustive list of features you can expect to be available:

Feature Android TV 9+ with Android Cordova 12+
MP4 & WebM progressive download
HTML5 video ads (1)
VOD, Live & low-latency live streaming
Autoplay with sound
Dedicated TV UI
Widevine DRM (3)

Android TV player skin

We provide an out-of-box tv-optimized player skin to help you get started with your Android TV app. Note that it is a requirement to use the TV skin when building an Android TV app with Radiant Media Player and Cordova. This skin defaults to a full window mode ideal for a fullscreen experience on larger displays and triggers various optimisations for Android TV. The tv-optimized player skin can be enabled through the skin setting set to 'tv'. See our player skins documentation for more information.

Android TV Demo App

To make it straight-forward for Radiant Media Player customers to start developing an Android TV app with Cordova, we have released a complete demo app on GitHub. This demo comes with a dedicated Cordova plugin to prepare a Cordova-based Android app for Android TV deployment. This demo app is available here.

Video ads support in Android TV apps

We do support using video ads in a Cordova-based Android TV app. It should be noted that since the HTML5 Google IMA SDK is not officially supported in Android TV app, the preferred solution is to use our VAST parser rmp-vast. The VAST parser can be selected with player setting adParser set to 'ima' or 'rmp-vast'.

Widevine DRM support in Android TV apps

We support Widevine DRM (DASH) on Android TV 9+ devices (WebView version must be minimum of 58). Just pass DRM information to the TV player as you would normally do with our web player. See our DRM documentation for more information.

App allowlisting (PLATFORM Edition)

Refer to our documentation for PLATFORM Edition allowlisting and denylisting.

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