All Radiant Media Player required files are available through our global CDN (content delivery network) partner CloudFlare for delivery to a global audience. See the list of production builds here.
In this case scenario you are hosting the player files on your server. Self-hosting is only available for active Radiant Media Player customers.
First download the self-hosted player files package in our back-end (click the "Downloads" tab and select the player version you want to download). Unzip the files. You should have the following folder structure:
Only static files are present within those folders. Folders
must not be renamed. If you do not host the player files at the root
of your site you must tell the player where to find the required files with the
player setting (see below for an
example). Example:
<script src="radiantmediaplayer/dist/rmp.min.js"></script>
<div id="rmp"></div>
const src = {
mp4: [
const settings = {
licenseKey: 'your-license-key',
src: src,
width: 640,
height: 360,
contentMetadata: {
poster: [
speed: true,
// Here we tell the player to look for the required dependencies in radiantmediaplayer/
pathToRmpFiles: 'radiantmediaplayer/'
const rmp = new RadiantMP('rmp');
setting can either be a relative or
absolute path or a URL.
In self-hosted mode the player will still attempt to contact our logging and licensing servers periodically (same as in cloud-hosted mode). We do not record any personal data about your audience (like IP address or device type) on our servers. We however need those technical data to insure proper billing (for PLATFORM Edition) and to keep our service healthy.
As when using the cloud player, you can also use an optimised player build when using self-hosting. Refer to the above section for a list of available builds.
Some Google-related player features require loading player dependencies from Google servers. Those files are thus not provided with our self-hosted package. Here is the list:
Google Analytics
Google Cast
Those files are automatically loaded by the player from Google servers over HTTPS when needed. Referencing these files from Google's servers ensures that you get access to new features and product updates as they become available. You may opt out of the related player features to avoid loading those files from Google servers but the player will then not be able to use the disabled features.
Loading the player over HTTPS is always recommended. Cloud-hosted files for Radiant Media Player are thus HTTPS compatible. If you self-host the player files you must host them on a domain/server with a valid HTTPS certificate to be HTTPS compatible.
If you use HTTPS all the images, closed captions, logo and streaming URLs called by the player must be HTTPS compatible. Failure to do so can result in unwanted warning/behaviour for your viewers.
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