Last updated on September 28, 2017 - Back to blog home page
TweetWe have been using the Google HTML5 IMA SDK in Radiant Media Player for about 2 years now. It made sense to use the IMA SDK as it implements the latest IAB standards, support Google advertisement eco-system and is acknowledged in the industry as a reliable solution to monetise video content.
Over the years we worked closely with the IMA team to insure our implementation was following best practices, providing constructive feedback to improve both our player and the IMA SDK.
We are now pleased to announce that our IMA SDK implementation has been certified by Google and that Radiant Media Player is an official Google video technology partners.
We would like to thank Google for giving us this opportunity and are looking forward continuing working with the IMA SDK and the IMA team.
Radiant Media Player customers can be sure they are monetising their video content with a proven and reliable solution while benefiting from all advanced features our player has to offer. For prospects contemplating using our player and other actors in the industry this is a strong signal that we can play in the same league as some of the "big names" of the online video and advertisement world.
Making sure your ad-based business model is sustainable is a priority for us. We just got better at it.
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